Since the holidays I have fallen into a pit of exhaustion. I'm in recovery mode from too much activity and as a result have been neglecting the old blog.
I haven't been neglecting my camera though, and am really enjoying learning how to use all of its great features. Here's a little peek at this week's events:
LP is still doing well with his potty-training. I still wouldn't say he's 100% there as we have the occasional accident but he's in undies most of the time (and yes, about half the time he has them on backwards but at least he's learned to put them on himself!)
We've enjoyed a lot of family time, here LP and Paul are playing a Toy Story game on the computer:
And we spend the majority of our time (when we're not at work, cleaning, eating, sleeping) playing Toy Story. LP continues to be completely obsessed and keeps asking when we can invite Andy from Toy Story over to play.
On Friday my college roomie and bff came to visit with her two kids and everyone played so nicely together! Love that!
I'm not quite sure though how these kids went from this:
To this in what seems like the blink of an eye!!!
Over the weekend we got about 8 inches of snow so on Sunday we all bundled up to play outside in the snow for the first time this year.
Everyone was very excited. Even Socks, who as an elderly dog of 13 spends most of her time sleeping, got in on the action. She LOVES the snow. This was the most energetic and athletic we've seen her in months!
Unfortunately our yard is totally flat so Paul and I ended up spending most of the time pulling LP around on the sled.
He made a solo trip down the only "hilly" spot in the yard- I think he coasted about six feet, very slowly.
Last year LP was very cautious in the snow and wouldn't walk around without holding someone's hand. This year he took right off though, not complaining when he got snow up his coat sleeves (we have some mitten issues to work out). Here he is taking what he called a "snow bath." I got to take one just seconds later.
All in all we've been busy, yet not busy. Some days are packed with activities, and some days we barely venture out of the house. We've been enjoying a little hibernation of sorts, just us in our cozy house with a fire in the fireplace, watching Toy Story 3 over and over, putting Mr. Potato Head's pieces on and taking them off, and relaxing.
Life continues to be good. And I have to say, these "pits" aren't very stinky at all!
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