I haven’t blogged in more than a month which is just terrible. Our June ended up being a little crazier than expected. Right after LP finished school we headed to my parents’ house in Pennsylvania for a week-long trip. LP was going to attend Vacation Bible School for a week and I was headed to NYC with some friends for the weekend. Our trip was extended due to a death in the family and we didn't get back home until July 3. We’re leaving again this Friday for a vacation (Disney!) and so have been trying to recover from travelling and prepare for the next round!
Seems like lately I've mostly been posting sewing photos on this blog, and I definitely have more to post but want to do a little LP update as I missed doing his 5.5 update (and I owe one for Eliza’s 22 month!).
Paul finished up his year of pre-K and will be an official kindergartner in the fall!
Seems like lately I've mostly been posting sewing photos on this blog, and I definitely have more to post but want to do a little LP update as I missed doing his 5.5 update (and I owe one for Eliza’s 22 month!).
Paul finished up his year of pre-K and will be an official kindergartner in the fall!
Here's LP on his very last day of school!
Of course, there was a "graduation" ceremony and a family picnic. The teacher shared a video she'd taken of all of the kids talking about their favorite part of school. LP's was "snack time." That drew a lot of snickers from the crowd of parents!
Here he is with his teacher, Miss P. LP LOVED school- he's such a social kid and he really enjoyed being with the other students and all of the activity. We had a lot of great reports from his teacher and he's already looking forward to kindergarten.
LP also did T-Ball for the first time this spring. Since his father and all 4 of his uncles played ball we wanted him to try it. I wouldn't say he's a natural but there is some natural ability in there if he'd stop chattering to all the players and coaches and focus on the ball!
This spring was the busiest we've ever been as far as activities for Paul- we usually keep things quiet with a little yoga class at the library. But we'd heard that karate can be really good for helping kids develop strength and signed him up. Paul's large motor and fine motor skills are a little lagging behind other kids his age and we're seeing a difference already. He's learned to jump with both feet at once and his hands are now strong enough that he can open and close the car door himself and put on his seatbelt which is huge (and was rewarded with an ice cream cone lunch!). He LOVES karate and will start classes back up in the fall.
As usual, LP is always there to hug his sister- and his cousin! He just can't control himself and hugs, hugs, hugs!
Some funny LP quotes:
LP went to Vacation Bible School while we were visiting my parents. The first two nights he asked to be put to bed early (VERY rare for a kid who is almost always still awake 2 hours after bedtime!). After telling us about all of the activities at VBS he said, "I don't know why they call it a vacation!"
While signing a song at VBS about Noah and the flood he wanted to know why the animals went into the Ark by "twosies" and came out by "threesies." Pastor wasn't quite expecting to have to get into that!
After a story about Adam and Eve and the serpent Paul raised his hand and told everyone that "the serpent is really the Devil and he's QUITE villainous!"
At our local grocery store they have photos of all of the store managers hanging on the wall by the cash registers. LP likes to check them out and ask their names. A few weeks ago I was paying for our groceries when he turned to the cashier and said, "So, I see you have some new managers! How's that working out for you so far?" She stared at him for a moment before cracking up.
You just never know what he might say next!
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ReplyDeleteWhat a fun and sociable boy you have there and that comment at the grocery stores was hilarious.