I haven’t blogged in more than a month which is just terrible. Our June ended up being a little crazier than expected. Right after LP finished school we headed to my parents’ house in Pennsylvania for a week-long trip. LP was going to attend Vacation Bible School for a week and I was headed to NYC with some friends for the weekend. Our trip was extended due to a death in the family and we didn't get back home until July 3. We’re leaving again this Friday for a vacation (Disney!) and so have been trying to recover from travelling and prepare for the next round! Seems like lately I've mostly been posting sewing photos on this blog, and I definitely have more to post but want to do a little LP update as I missed doing his 5.5 update (and I owe one for Eliza’s 22 month!). Paul finished up his year of pre-K and will be an official kindergartner in the fall! Here's LP on his very last day of school! Of course, there was a "graduat...