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Showing posts from July, 2012


So I don't think I've scrapped any photos since back in December.... Finally felt a little creativity strike and knocked off 2 today!   Here they are for your viewing pleasure!   Disney World... Can't wait to go back- we're all a bit obsessed even though our trip was back in April!

Baby Sister's Nursery- Finito!!

As the baby countdown draws nearer, and our schedule seems to be getting busier, I was on a serious mission to get the nursery done.  I'm not sure why I was so focused on it, since Baby Sister will sleep in our room for the first couple months of her life anyway, and cleaning and installing the baby car seat and figuring out where my breast pump and bottles are would have been a more efficient use of my time, but I just needed to get it done.  And I did.  At least, until I see some other awesome project on Pinterest that I want to try!  (and oh!  I just realized I didn't update the mobile yet for over the crib!  I'll have to come up with a plan and add that to my list!) Once again, for those of you who might be new to my blog, Baby Sister's nursery started out as LP's nursery.  Here's how it looked back then (these photos were taken before the nursery was totally done- for some reason I can't find any finished product photos and it's looking a bi...

I Heart Faces: Enjoying Life

This week at I ♥ Faces   the theme is "Enjoying Life." The first photo I thought of is this one of my dad having a blast dancing at my youngest brother's wedding recently.  My dad is generally pretty reserved but stick him on a dance floor with good music, friends and family and he really cuts loose!   Be sure to go to I ♥ Faces to check out the other entries!