Over the past year my patience has been seriously tested. Many of my friends and family know about this but it’s not something I’ve really shared on my blog other than a passing comment here and there. Now’s the time though, and I’m warning you now that has turned into a pretty long post so bear with me! (Or skip it all together! I won’t be offended!) We’ve been officially trying to conceive baby #2 for more than a year now, going on something like 15 or 16 months. And it’s not going the way that I’d hoped, planned, or expected that it would. When we decided to have our first baby my doctor gave us the OK to go off the Pill and start trying. He said it would probably take a few months for my body to get back on track after being on the Pill for so many years and so we should be patient. And mostly, we were. We’d only been married a little over a year, and had just bought a new house so we had plenty of other distractions. And in the end, it only took a few months be...