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Showing posts from August, 2009

Dr. Demento and Late Birthday Wishes...

Thanks to my lack of interest in blogging regularly I never posted a birthday greeting for my baby brother's birthday....   How terrible am I??  Well tonight, after playing about a hundred rounds of Bejeweled Blitz on Facebook I'm feeling inspired... So this is my birthday shout-out to my brother Spencer who turned 26 on August 8.... In my earlier blog for Nelson's birthday I quoted from "Guitarzan" which was one of our favorite songs when we were kids.  Being the youngest, Spencer had the most unfortunate role however.  Nelson was always Guitarzan, and I always played the "girl named Jane with no last name."  Spencer got stuck with the part of the "pet monkey who likes to get drunky and sing boogie woogie and it sounds real funky."  He was pretty good at it really, doing the monkey solo performance during the song... He's even better at the "Drunky" part now (just kidding Mom!)... One of our other favorite songs on that fabulous...

Paul Thomas: Things to Remember, Month Nine

LP is exactly nine months old today.  It seems as though he's changed so much just in the last few weeks! Some things to remember: 1.  At 9 months LP is talking a lot- he says dada quite frequently but not with any meaning to it quite yet... Paul likes to say that I'll cry when LP says Dada with meaning before he says Mama and he's probably right.. Even though I know that most babies say Dada first as it's easier for them to say... LP trying out his fancy new car seat as he's about to outgrow his infant seat. 2.  LP sticks his tongue out a lot- he loves to stick it out and make little snake noises, hissing and spitting at everything... 3.  He's getting much better with finger foods lately- he's started picking cheerios up with his thumb and forefinger which results in more food actually making it into his mouth and less food just getting smooshed up in his sweaty little palms.... 4.  LP wants to stand up ALL THE TIME.  If you try to sit hi...

Wish I'd Thought of This....