(Be warned- this is lengthy!) So my final pre-baby post was all about my appointment at the doctor on Thursday, November 13th and the fact that my amniotic fluid was on the low side.... The doctor told me to come back the following week to have it checked again but that it wasn't really a problem and that I shouldn't worry about it.... Well here's what happened after that which led to little Paul Thomas arriving on November 17, about 3 weeks before his due date: (Feel free to skim- this is pretty detailed so that I can remember what happened years from now!) Thursday afternoon I spent worrying about the amniotic fluid levels- was there something I had done to cause this problem? Was there something I could do to fix it? I wasn't worried about the possibility of being induced the following week if my fluid levels were still low but I was worried about the health of the baby. Thursday evening I went to my regular prenatal swimming class at the hospital. There were thr...