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Three Weeks....

So it's been almost 3 weeks since I last posted.  It's shameful, I know, that I haven't been keeping you all up to date on all of the exciting activities going on in our lives... I'm sure you're feeling the loss and have just been huddled in front of your computer monitors desperately waiting for an update.

Really though, it's been a pretty hectic few weeks.  The day after my last post I attended 3 birthday parties- two were first birthdays and LP and I went together, and the third was a friend's birthday that evening which BP and I attended.  I took no photos at any of these parties unfortunately- Paul stayed home to get some yard work done while LP and I went to the kiddy parties and so my hands were full.  Here's a pic of LP playing with one of the birthday boys (this was party number 2 for us that day) that someone else took:

will and his friend paul by Andy/Jaimie.

And here's the birthday boy's mom Jaimie holding LP- We celebrated Jaimie's birthday later that night!

jaimie and lp by Andy/Jaimie.

The following weekend was the July 4th weekend.  Friday my high school roommate Linsey visited for a few hours, meeting LP for the first time.  My brother Spencer and his girlfriend also arrived Friday morning to stay until Saturday afternoon.  Here are a few pics Linsey took:

IMG_1438 by linseyclair.
Daddy "swinging" LP- LP loves it but it scares me and I can't watch...

IMG_1432 by linseyclair.
Uncle Spencer and Frances playing with LP...

IMG_1421 by linseyclair.
LP and Mommy.

Saturday morning Paul played with LP in the morning so that I could shower with the door closed (which seriously, is heavenly.  Any day I get to shower with the door closed is a good day).  I came downstairs to find LP helping Daddy in the garage: 

7-4-2009 9-18-37 AM63 copy by you.

In the evening we BBQed with Paul's parents.  LP enjoyed a bottle and a teething biscuit instead of some smoked ribs.

7-4-2009 4-43-25 PM65 copy by you.

6-30-2009 6-17-57 PM58 copy by you.

Sunday we took LP to the park where he went on a swing for the first time and totally loved it (and I neglected to take my camera with me.)  Then we came home and collapsed on the couch for the rest of the day.

On Tuesday after the 4th my college friend came to visit until Thursday when LP and I dropped her off in Connecticut on our way to Pennsylvania.  While in PA we saw tons of people, I went to a family baby shower, Grandpa and Uncle Nelson babysat LP after a few quick refreshers/lessons in how to diaper a baby, LP went to church (and behaved very well through the Longest Sermon Ever) and then he went swimming for the first time.

7-12-2009 2-06-15 PM289 copy by you.

7-12-2009 2-16-28 PM298 copy by you.
Always so serious.

7-12-2009 2-01-33 PM277 copy by you.
Pappy- what the heck are you doing back there????

7-12-2009 1-57-39 PM247 copy by you.

7-12-2009 1-59-08 PM265 copy by you.

7-12-2009 1-53-11 PM239 copy by you.

7-12-2009 1-51-06 PM236 copy by you.

Now we're home (we missed Paul like crazy and I know he missed us too- he told me on Monday night that usually when I go away for a few days he enjoys having some time to himself, but that this time he just spent the whole weekend missing us instead- awww....) and trying to get back to our normal routine even though this weekend I'll be driving to NJ for the day (yikes- 5 hours each way!) for another baby shower and we'll celebrate Paul's birthday on Sunday.  I'm thinking next weekend might be a quiet one though!

And one more thing:

On June 19 Paul took this picture of Little Paul.  He clearly had no top teeth.   Today, July 15, not even one month later, the kid has 3 teeth on top!  He is teething fast and furious (and thankfully without too much fuss)... It's so strange to see teeth in those little gums- I'll try to get a picture soon to share!

6-19-2009 6-52-33 PM16 copy by you.

Gee they grow up so fast.....


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